Social Security Disability Attorneys in Manassas

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Helping Disabled Americans Get the Social Security Benefits They Deserve

People throughout the country depend on Social Security disability benefits to maintain stability while recovering from or living with a disability. Social Security disability benefits arrive in the form of monthly payments or Medicare benefits that compensate individuals who cannot work due to their condition.

If you need help applying for benefits or want to appeal a denied claim, seek guidance from Ashcraft & Gerel. Our Social Security disability attorneys in Manassas have extensive experience navigating the Social Security Administration’s processes and helping citizens claim the benefits to which they are entitled.


How to Obtain Benefits

The Social Security Administration offers two programs through which you can obtain disability benefits: Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Each program has different eligibility requirements.

SSDI is available to individuals under the age of 65 who have paid into Social Security and meet the required number of “work credits.”

SSI is available to low-income individuals with few resources who do not qualify for SSDI. The SSI program is more focused on financial need rather than your work history. To be eligible for SSI, you must have less than $2,000 in assets (or less than $3,000 for couples).

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Medical Requirements & Defining Disability

Both SSDI and SSI have medical requirements. For an injury to be considered a disability, it must be severe and directly interfere with the person’s ability to work. It must also be long-term, lasting at least one year or be expected to result in the person’s death.

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Social Security Disability Appeals

It is notoriously difficult to obtain approval for Social Security disability benefits. Most people are denied benefits upon their initial application.

If you have been denied benefits, you can still file an appeal – and Ashcraft & Gerel can help. Our Social Security disability attorneys in Manassas have handled numerous appeals and are equipped with the knowledge and resources needed to build a strong appeal on your behalf.

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Contact Us Today

Whether you are applying for benefits for the first time or appealing a denied claim, we are happy to discuss your situation and your goals. We understand that SSI and SSDI benefits are of vital importance to many Americans, and we want to help you receive the financial benefits to which you are entitled.