Year: 2014

Recent Posts in 2014
December 31, 2014

Johnson & Johnson to Pull Morcellator Off the Market

Johnson & Johnson said yesterday that they will be pulling their power morcellators off the market. This announcement comes in light of the rising concerns over the safety ...

December 30, 2014

Forced Arbitration: A Quiet War on Women’s Rights

Just about everything seems to come with fine print these days. Most of us probably don’t take the time to read it all. However, within that fine print is probably an ...

December 26, 2014

Talcum Powder Use Linked to Ovarian Cancer in Women

A 2013 Cancer Prevention Research study, entitled, “Genital Powder Use and Risk of Ovarian Cancer: A Pooled Analysis of 8,525 Cases and 9,859 Controls,” indicated that women ...

December 20, 2014

The NBA v. Donald Sterling: A Simple Contract Case

What do we call the interplay between Donald Sterling, his wife Shelley, the NBA and all the lawyers? Is it a comedy of errors? Maybe, but it is also just a simple contract ...

December 19, 2014

Da Vinci Robot: Riskier than We Thought

Every day, we are reminded that ours is the age of technology. It has infiltrated almost every aspect of our lives from our smart phones and TVs to our electric cars. The ...

December 19, 2014

Pradaxa Lawsuit

Newly Released Pradaxa Documents Show Employees Concern  Pradaxa, a popular blood thinning medication, has been under fire recently.  Though Pradaxa is a popular drug, it ...

December 18, 2014

Recent Verdicts in Transvaginal Mesh Cases

Two jury verdicts have found for plaintiffs this month in the transvaginal mesh litigations. On September 8, 2014, Boston Scientific was ordered by a jury to pay $73 ...

December 18, 2014

Da Vinci Robot Lawsuits on the Rise

As the popularity of the da Vinci robot rises, so do the reports of adverse events Keeping up with the latest techniques and technologies is a crucial part of practicing ...

December 16, 2014

The False Claims Act and Lance Armstrong

The Lance Armstrong doping scandal is now a familiar story to most. However, after winning a stunning seven Tour de France victories, Armstrong now finds himself locked in an ...

December 16, 2014

The Sunshine Act and Qui Tam

What is the Sunshine Act? In 2010 Congress passed the Physician Payments Sunshine Act (Sunshine Act) as part of the Affordable Care Act. The act requires the manufacturers of ...