Blog: Top News - Page 3

November 17, 2015

What You Should Know About MRSA

According to 2011 statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) causes more than 80,000 invasive ...

July 27, 2015

Amtrak Seeks to Consolidate Philadelphia Derailment Lawsuits

Amtrak has requested consolidation of the lawsuits over the May 12, 2015 train derailment before a federal judge. On June 30, Amtrak, along with many plaintiffs, requested ...

April 28, 2015

Powdered Alcohol Gains Approval, But Also Bans

Last month, the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau approved labels for Palcohol, which allows the product to be sold in the United States. Palcohol is a powdered alcohol ...

December 30, 2014

Forced Arbitration: A Quiet War on Women’s Rights

Just about everything seems to come with fine print these days. Most of us probably don’t take the time to read it all. However, within that fine print is probably an ...

December 20, 2014

The NBA v. Donald Sterling: A Simple Contract Case

What do we call the interplay between Donald Sterling, his wife Shelley, the NBA and all the lawyers? Is it a comedy of errors? Maybe, but it is also just a simple contract ...

December 10, 2014

The Potential Dangers of E-Cigarettes

These days, if you go out to your local bar you may find someone sucking on a futuristic device known as an electronic cigarette, or “e-cigarettes.” E-Cigarettes are an ...

December 12, 2013

A Look into Criminal Justice

We’ve all watched television dramas, reality shows, and movies where police officers swoop in and arrest the “bad guy.”  The suspect is typically put in handcuffs, read their ...