Blog: Defective Medical Devices - Page 2

December 19, 2014

Da Vinci Robot: Riskier than We Thought

Every day, we are reminded that ours is the age of technology. It has infiltrated almost every aspect of our lives from our smart phones and TVs to our electric cars. The ...

December 18, 2014

Da Vinci Robot Lawsuits on the Rise

As the popularity of the da Vinci robot rises, so do the reports of adverse events Keeping up with the latest techniques and technologies is a crucial part of practicing ...

December 18, 2014

Recent Verdicts in Transvaginal Mesh Cases

Two jury verdicts have found for plaintiffs this month in the transvaginal mesh litigations. On September 8, 2014, Boston Scientific was ordered by a jury to pay $73 ...

December 14, 2014

New Study Supports FDA’s Concerns Over Power Morcellators

A new study published in late July in The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) found that the frequency of undetected malignant tumors in women undergoing ...

October 7, 2014

Class Action vs. Mass Tort

Mass Tort and Class Action: What’s the Difference? Most people have heard of class action lawsuits but, there is another type of litigation—termed “mass tort” litigation— that ...